Foundation course online

Foundation course online

Our foundation course is designed to comprehensively cover every part of the syllabus in a wholistic manner. Features of our foundation course:

Over 100 hours of classroom teaching

—both in offline and online course.

  • The course is well-designed. In the beginning of the course itself, topic-wise lecture-plan of each lecture will be provided to you so that you can have some idea about the topics to be discussed in the next class.
  • Every aspect of the syllabus will be extensively covered. The syllabus will NOT be covered in a piecemeal or fragmented manner where each ethical concept is discussed in isolated manner. Rather, the course has been designed in such a manner that it will follow a logical sequence where each concept of idea will lead to the next one and at the end of it, we will be able to develop a comprehensive and unified framework of ethics in which anything can fit-in its own place.
  • Special emphasis will be given to the applied ethics—where each idea or concept that we will discuss in the class will be related to the day-to-day events of life, the current events and their relevance to the administration will be discussed.
  • The class will be conducted in such a manner that the complex ideas of philosophy, psychology and administration can be easily understood in simple language, with real-life day-to-day examples. We will also take examples from the lives of the great people of India and the world and from the mythology, literature, film, history etc. to clarify those complex ideas. Each example, story, life-event, anecdote, current events, even jokes will have real relevance to the topic in the class and can be used in your answers in the exam.
  • The focus of the course will not be to simply stuff information in your mind. The main emphasis will be to help you develop a framework of ethics in which every possible concept will fit-in.
  • Knowledge, in itself, is not enough. More important is to present that knowledge in 150 words or so in 10-15 minutes time in your exam. Yes! Answer-writing is the most important part of your preparation. For this reason, we will ensure that you are able to write good answer in your exam. Thus, the program has been designed in such a manner that from day-one of the course you should be able to write answers. In fact, at the end of every class we will give at least one question based on that very class or the previous classes. This means, by the end of the course, you would already have written at least 100 answers.
  • Last few classes will be devoted exclusively to case studies, though case studies will be there in every class, related to the topic being discussed in that class.

A high quality, comprehensive and authentic study material.

The whole study material has been prepared by Sanjeev Sir himself. The study material has been prepared in such a manner that along with class, this will complete your preparation in every manner. You won’t have to read anything extra—no books, no magazines, just nothing else. The study material will be in three parts:

  • Main study material: In these 400-500 pages, you will find every topic of your syllabus properly covered. It has been prepared in such a manner that it will complement and supplement the classroom. In fact, in the beginning of each chapter, you will find this message: “Read this chapter before and after lecture 5 or 50 etc.”. Reading the study material in the suggested manner will help you to take much better advantage of the classroom, ask appropriate questions in the class, answer in the class etc.
  • Ethical Termkit: It is a small booklet that I have prepared for your ready reference. One very important part of your preparation is to be aware of and remember every term that has a special meaning in ethics. This booklet is a collection of over 200-300 such terms/concepts/ideas of ethics. Whenever you have some doubt about the meaning of any term, just refer to this booklet to know the exact meaning. This termkit will also help you to write the exact definitions of the these ethical concepts in your answers. This will work as a ever-ready and handy reference. These termkit has also been organised according to the class plan. So, this kit will enhance your experience, learning and involvement in the classroom.
  • A Book of quotations: This book consists of more than 2000 quotations about ethics, life, society, government, administration etc. Going through these quotations will help you to understand ethical concepts better. You can use many of these quotations in your answers as well, whenever they are relevant.